Qnap TS-212 Server
We recently undertook data recovery on this QNAP TS-212 Server. According to the owner, the drive lost network connectivity, and status light was offline. He could not access files so needed them reovered. The QNAP had been used as home / office server and contained 2 Seagate Barracuda hard disks each 3000gb configured in a Mirror Raid. The customer estimed the NAS held around 1TB data from photos, videos and office files. We cloned the Hard disks, rebuilt the raid and saved the share folders to an external USB drive. This Data Recovery was filed under words like Qnap TS-212 Nas Server Offline file access share folders mirror raid network drive.
QNAP TS-212 NAS recovery - no network or file access

QNAP TS-212 NAS recovery - no network or file access, Sandbach, Cheshire, UK
Qnap Data Recovery Lab, Qnap TS-212 NAS Server Drive, Sandbach, Cheshire, UK
If you have a similar case to this concerning QNAP TS-212 NAS recovery - no network or file access, then contact our friendly company.
Free quote and consultation by telephone or email (contact details above ).
We strive with all our means to get your data back quickly and efficiently, so email or call us to discuss your problem.
We recover from many problems so even if you don't see your trouble mentioned, we probably do it or know someone who can.
Qnap TS-212 NAS Server Drive
Qnap TS-212 NAS Server Drive problems that we recover data from are listed below.
Qnap, TS-212, Nas, Server, Offline, file, access, share, folders, mirror, raid, network, drive.
We can provide Data Recovery for Qnap TS-212 NAS Server Drive. This case was related to QNAP TS-212 undergoing Data Recovery.