MDuffy, Watertight Roofing
400GB Maxtor External hdd with power supply. 19V put in instead of 12V no response at all from disk. Burning smell and Over-voltage damage. Internal Seagate hard drive ST3400620A failed to start up when powered on. The Hard Disk Drive remained totally silent. Data was recovered to a new drive supplied by client. Thank you. This Data Recovery was filed under words like maxtor power supply damage over voltage.
Maxtor Drive incorrect Power supply - repair

Maxtor Drive incorrect Power supply - repair, Dundee, , SCOTLAND
Hard Drive Repair Laboratory, Maxtor Circuit Board, Dundee, , SCOTLAND
If you have a similar case to this concerning Maxtor Drive incorrect Power supply - repair, then contact our friendly company.
Free quote and consultation by telephone or email (contact details above ).
We strive with all our means to get your data back quickly and efficiently, so email or call us to discuss your problem.
We recover from many problems so even if you don't see your trouble mentioned, we probably do it or know someone who can.
Maxtor Circuit Board
Maxtor Circuit Board problems that we recover data from are listed below.
maxtor, power, supply, damage, over, voltage.
We can provide Data Recovery for Maxtor Circuit Board. This case was related to Recover data from Maxtor with wrong power supply.